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Matt Winters Tribute

Matt Winters Tribute
Originally uploaded by kenf225
The entire East Village threw a party on Sunday to celebrate Matt Winters's first decade hosting the Moonshine Show on WKCR. Banjo Jim's was full of musicians who'd played on the show, and Avenue C was full of a street fair, which as Kenny Kosek says, is New York City's traditional way of celebrating major events with sales of discount socks and bootleg CDs.

The show was a cross-generational event, starting off with the Y'all Stars, including folks like Gene Yellin and Pete Elegant, and ending with Danny Weiss and Mary Olive Smith, who met years ago at Banjo Jim's when it was 9C and the Alphabet City Opry was there every Monday night.

Matt's family was there, the bar was packed, and it was a great night of music. See the complete set of photos.


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Comments (1)

Daniel Harnett:

trying to reach matt. I wonder if he was booking postcrypt when i played there 1993-94 but i think the guys name was adam.

i checked out the moon shine show want to send him my music. thanks.

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