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Sheriff On the Move

Tonight the Sheriff's jam moves to its new location, The Grizzly Pear, 108 MacDougal St, between Bleecker and Third. So we have to stop calling it "the Baggot" because it isn't anymore. Hopefully the pipes are sturdier at this new place. Meanwhile, I heard a rumor that Smokey Hormel will be at Sunny's tonight.

Tomorrow night is the King's County Opry, with Fred's new version of Copper Kettle and the newly christened Cat Wagon: Melody Berger, Zara Bode, Hilary Hawke and Nora Jane Struthers. Hilary will also be in the song circle along with Nate Schwewber and Dock Oscar with Ebie Carter.

Hilary is playing in Dumbo on Saturday night, while the Y'all Stars and Miz Liz and the Vipers are at Googie's. At Jalopy, Caroline Cutroneo's Runaway Train will make a stop. Caroline is a gifted singer/songwriter from Staten Island with whom I play sometimes, and the Runaway Train is a kickin' electric blues/rock band. I may bring down the crunchy little amp I bought at Retrofret a little while ago.

Trip Henderson "and friends" are at the Parkside on Monday, and on Tuesday night you have a double shot at Rockwood: Michael Daves' usual weekly set, followed by Rob Hecht's Hectrograss.

Please let us know what's going on so we can feature it here. Send your gig notices, myspace bulletins, facebook posts and carrier pigeons to pickin@ponkiesburg.com by Wednesday for inclusion.

An updated calendar is on the web site.


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